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Hi, I’m Nikki!
I have an Autistic ADHD brain, diagnosed only in 2023.
While many people were building professional careers, I was lost inside my head and very, very lost in the world.

After giving birth to my son in 2017, there struck a thought akin to;
“I know I deserve this life of abuse and homelessness, but surely a newborn hasn’t done anything to deserve this.”

Since that moment I have been consumed by an obsession with healing my self so that I may show up as the parent I always desired to be.

Thankfully this waterfalled graciously into:
self awareness,
relationship awareness,
a humbling sense of love,
a delightful sense of wonder at our every day lives,
a wicked awareness of growth opportunities,
and unexpectedly wide perspectives, best alluded to with Shakespeare’s quote, “The world’s a stage.”

I can’t understand half the jokes my family makes, yet I seem uniquely suited to patterning the languages of the economists, spiritualists, sports coaches, psychologists, successful founders, etc I listen to. When relaying their views on inner worlds, the best typically describe the same features, in different ways.

This insight taught me that truth is overrated – which is weird since I find lying difficult. It matters a lot what you believe subconsciously, how those beliefs make you feel, and what symbolism makes sense to you.

Organizing thoughts is a lot harder for me than organizing a closet. It doesn’t help that I repressed my desire to practice/learn writing for 20 years. If you’ll excuse the mess, you’re welcome to try and glimpse life, fear, and growth from the beautiful perspectives I’ve assembled over the years:

Facing Fear of Judgment & My Specific Yearend Goals

I am sharing my filled-in spreadsheets because I felt a huge fear run through me at the idea of doing so. I was grabbing screenshots for this blogpost and froze when I got to my month, quarter, and project sheets. Something in me said, “No way!” That it’s dangerous or embarrassing to reveal what I’ve…

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Into the Fire W1: Aligning with Body & Presence

Week 1 is complete, and it revealed that I’m getting more aligned with myself. I’m learning how to be aware of the feelings in my body, figuring out what they do and don’t mean, and learning to trust them – which means I’m learning to trust myself really. It’s pretty cool. Week 1 was an…

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Let 2024 Be For Love, Unknowns, Trust, & Facing Fears

As we tick into 2024 I find myself contemplating how awkward and gangly growth tends to be. The pain of puberty isn’t isolated to the teenage years, but in your 30’s you at least have the wherewithal to understand that the awkwardness from trying, failing, and adjusting is beautiful and essential. A quick look at…

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Discovering Imagination & Flow [incl. short stories]

Tonight my son asked me to make up a story at bed time.Historically I have said that I literally couldn’t make up a story to save my life. However…. Through experience and questioning I have come to understand a few things about our individual realities:1) They are pure imagination (I’m not saying the physical world…

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What It’s Like AFTER You Connect With Yourself

Is this connecting with my Self? Body? Soul? Spirit? It seems to be indiscernible, the way you can’t claim any one ingredient makes it a cake. I am newly 33 and this is the most interesting twist my life has ever taken, and I am ever so grateful for it. There are innumerable benefits to…

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Learning to Observe Your Own Vision (Notes)

As I settle in to my ever changing vision I find myself with questions that may be impossible to answer. How does my sense of sight relate to others, or the theoretical ‘general population’? 10 years ago I would have been quite sure that I had standard vision.I had 20/20 vision.I passed the depth perception…

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